
Rapid technical assessment

This pack covers my approach to creating consistent technical assessment and evaluations using a quality model.

Co-tenant risk modeling for cloud services

This talk covers the creation of models to represent co-tenant risk for cloud services. It was presented at the Melbourne ISC² chapter meeting 2021-07.

Exploring team scalability with models

An informal exploration of team scalability and performance using network communication models.

Open Policy Agent

This talk covers Open Policy Agent, externalizing policy decisions and the general concerns that cover centralized management and decentralized policy enforcement. It was presented at the Melbourne Kubernetes meetup 2019-04.

Levers for software delivery change

Unified SDLC model with feedback, testing V-models, automation ROI, key change drivers.

OpenShift/Kubernetes log shipping to Splunk

This covers OpenShift/Kubernetes platform-level log integration with Splunk using fluent-bit and was presented at the Melbourne Splunk meetup 2018-04.

Observability - Background on distributed tracing

Observability - Pipeline monitoring