Kubernetes building blocks

mtail mtail - extract whitebox monitoring data from application logs for collection into a timeseries database - https://github.com/google/mtail This project does not have an official docker image. I have a public, automated build at, https://hub.docker.com/r/michielkalkman/mtail https://github.com/michiel/docker-mtail tlsrouter TLSRouter is a TLS proxy that routes connections to backends based on the TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) of the TLS handshake. It carries no encryption keys and cannot decode the traffic that it proxies.

Documentation tooling

Requirements for tools and documentation Open source tooling Editable with vim, emacs, etc Suitable for version control Suitable for scripting Types of documentation Component diagrams Preferred tool : PlantUML Note PlantUML requires graphviz to be installed to generate component diagrams. # Command line PLANTUML=~/Downloads/plantuml.jar java -jar $PLANTUML -v -tpng src/k8s-runtime.uml -o ../out/ @startuml title Kubernetes skinparam componentStyle uml2 package "Development" { component Developer component [Code\nVCS] as VCS component CI component CD } package "External Services" { component MQ component DB } package "Kubernetes Cluster" { component "Nodes/Pods/Containers" as Service component [Controller] as Controller } package Artifacts { component [Container Registry] as Registry component [Config VCS] as Config } package "External Network" { component [User] as WebBrowser } Developer -l-> VCS : commit VCS -d-> CI : test & build CI -r-> CD CI -d-> Registry : upload image CD -r-> Controller : deploy WebBrowser -u-> Service Service -u-> MQ Service -u-> DB Controller -r-> Registry : fetch Controller -d-> Config : fetch Controller -l-> Service : deploy @enduml Useful parameters for Component Diagrams

Project : Kubernetes log shipping to Splunk

Overview Requirements Platform-wide deployment Self-service event to index routing Self-service sourcetype definition Version 1.0.0 - Event shipping using S2S Notable features, Client-side load-balancing with Splunk https://github.com/michiel/docker-compose-splunk-fluentbit/tree/v1.0.0 Version 1.1.0 - Observability Notable features, Add heartbeat function Read out fluentbit Prometheus metrics Generate Splunk Forwarder metrics with mtail https://github.com/michiel/docker-compose-splunk-fluentbit/tree/v1.1.0 Version 1.2.0 - Shipping over HTTP Notable features, Remove Splunk Forwarder from integration Client-side load-balancing with envoy proxy https://github.com/michiel/docker-compose-splunk-fluentbit/tree/v1.2.0 Resources and references This implementation was originally presented at the Splunk Melbourne meetup 2018-04.

Project : Implementation fluent-bit filters

Overview As a light-weight, efficient replacement for fluentd, fluent-bit met almost all the requirements for lifting Kubernetes logs, transforming them to Splunk HEC format and forwarding them to a Splunk HEC instance. This solution gives us, Resource efficiency No further processing before index storage required by Splunk Self-service index routing and sourcetype specification via Pod labels At this point, fluent-bit is missing two key pieces required to complete the transformation to HEC format.

About me

Hands-on deep technical and commercial involvement in all stages with the focus on getting quality products to production. Strong background in estimating, planning, managing delivery risk and leading projects.

I am experienced and comfortable working with all stakeholder and department groups; executives, managers and clients across all business functions.



Rapid technical assessment This pack covers my approach to creating consistent technical assessment and evaluations using a quality model. Rapid technical asssessment (PDF slides) Co-tenant risk modeling for cloud services This talk covers the creation of models to represent co-tenant risk for cloud services. It was presented at the Melbourne ISCĀ² chapter meeting 2021-07. Modeling co-tenant risk for cloud services (PDF slides) Exploring team scalability with models An informal exploration of team scalability and performance using network communication models.