Michiel Kalkman

Notes on software, security, product, design

Fault Event Model

Fault Event Model

Failure rate is 0.0009


  • Diagrams created with PlantUML
  • PlantUML requires Graphviz to be installed to generate component diagrams


Success Abort Failure
0.9700 0.0291 0.0009

Human Error Probability (HEP)

HEP Magnitude
Reference - Human limit (team) 0.00001 10^-5
Reference - Human limit (person) 0.00010 10^-4
Task - Routine, familiar 0.00040 10^-4
Task - Routine, instruction 0.00600 10^-3
Task - Routine with deviation 0.01600 10^-2
Task - Non-routine, instruction 0.03000 10^-2
Task - Emergency with plan 0.10000 10^-1
Task - Emergency no plan 0.30000 10^-1

HEP data sources:

  • Kirwan, B. 1994, A guide to practical human reliability assessment
  • Hickling, N. 2007, An Independent Review of a Rail-specific Human Reliability Assessment Technique for Driving Tasks, RSSB