Remote API checklist

An API should Be aligned with the business vision and roadmap Adopt a client-first approach for developers See Amundsen Maturity Model Be easy to discover Be well documented API documentation Use of HTTP status codes Schemas for payloads Sample payloads Capability documentation Performance indications Rate limits (soft, hard) and resets Payload limits Warn at sensitive endpoints, payloads (PII, PHI, PFI, etc) Be easy to learn (UX, Simplicity) Be easy to consume (Simplicity) Provide end-user utilisation reporting Provide webhooks for custom actions Actions for utilisation and billing limits Actions for policy violations Scale to meet demand Allow per-customer setting of HTTP headers Support X-HTTP-METHOD-Override for misconfigured proxies CORS for web clients Set caching headers Usability Be versioned Be stateless Provide useful functionality per call to minimise round-trips See Amundsen Maturity Model Be consistent (naming conventions, parameters, errors) Provide clear error messages Support modification timestamps Support unique external identifiers Support pagination, with total set size Support filtering on multiple properties/types Support bi-directonal sorting on multiple ordered properties Be secure Use HTTPS Use access tokens Use whitelisting/blacklisting Federate to external (customer selected) IDP (e.