New repository - PlantUML Kubernetes icons/sprites

Update 2019-11: This work has been integrated into the PlantUML standard library 🎉🎉 New repository with sprites for Kubernetes in PlantUML projects. These sprites have been generated using the PlantUML encodesprite command. See The source of the images is the kubernetes-icons repository at This repository inherits the Apache license from there. See LICENSE. Example @startuml !include ../resource/k8s-sprites-unlabeled-25pct.iuml package "Infrastructure" { component "<$master>\nmaster" as master component "<$etcd>\netcd" as etcd component "<$node>\nnode" as node } Sprites References https://github.

Wide open nginx CORS configuration

CORS is a W3C working standard that currently has decent (but inconsistent) implementions in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. I use it primarily to test PhoneGap apps in regular browsers instead of testing the code in simulators. PhoneGap apps can skip the usual origin checks via configuration, but running a PhoneGap app takes more setup - which make it harder for designers to work with the app. Running apps in simulators or on actual devices also takes al lot more time that just reloading a browser and this annoys me.

Documentation tooling

Requirements for tools and documentation Open source tooling Editable with vim, emacs, etc Suitable for version control Suitable for scripting Types of documentation Component diagrams Preferred tool : PlantUML Note PlantUML requires graphviz to be installed to generate component diagrams. # Command line PLANTUML=~/Downloads/plantuml.jar java -jar $PLANTUML -v -tpng src/k8s-runtime.uml -o ../out/ @startuml title Kubernetes skinparam componentStyle uml2 package "Development" { component Developer component [Code\nVCS] as VCS component CI component CD } package "External Services" { component MQ component DB } package "Kubernetes Cluster" { component "Nodes/Pods/Containers" as Service component [Controller] as Controller } package Artifacts { component [Container Registry] as Registry component [Config VCS] as Config } package "External Network" { component [User] as WebBrowser } Developer -l-> VCS : commit VCS -d-> CI : test & build CI -r-> CD CI -d-> Registry : upload image CD -r-> Controller : deploy WebBrowser -u-> Service Service -u-> MQ Service -u-> DB Controller -r-> Registry : fetch Controller -d-> Config : fetch Controller -l-> Service : deploy @enduml Useful parameters for Component Diagrams

Project : Kubernetes log shipping to Splunk

Overview Requirements Platform-wide deployment Self-service event to index routing Self-service sourcetype definition Version 1.0.0 - Event shipping using S2S Notable features, Client-side load-balancing with Splunk Version 1.1.0 - Observability Notable features, Add heartbeat function Read out fluentbit Prometheus metrics Generate Splunk Forwarder metrics with mtail Version 1.2.0 - Shipping over HTTP Notable features, Remove Splunk Forwarder from integration Client-side load-balancing with envoy proxy Resources and references This implementation was originally presented at the Splunk Melbourne meetup 2018-04.