Documentation tooling
Requirements for tools and documentation
- Open source tooling
- Editable with
, etc - Suitable for version control
- Suitable for scripting
Types of documentation
Component diagrams
Preferred tool : PlantUML
Note PlantUML requires graphviz
to be installed to generate component diagrams.
# Command line
java -jar $PLANTUML -v -tpng src/k8s-runtime.uml -o ../out/
title Kubernetes
skinparam componentStyle uml2
package "Development" {
component Developer
component [Code\nVCS] as VCS
component CI
component CD
package "External Services" {
component MQ
component DB
package "Kubernetes Cluster" {
component "Nodes/Pods/Containers" as Service
component [Controller] as Controller
package Artifacts {
component [Container Registry] as Registry
component [Config VCS] as Config
package "External Network" {
component [User] as WebBrowser
Developer -l-> VCS : commit
VCS -d-> CI : test & build
CI -r-> CD
CI -d-> Registry : upload image
CD -r-> Controller : deploy
WebBrowser -u-> Service
Service -u-> MQ
Service -u-> DB
Controller -r-> Registry : fetch
Controller -d-> Config : fetch
Controller -l-> Service : deploy
Useful parameters for Component Diagrams
skinparam componentType uml2
skinparam linetype splines
skinparam linetype ortho
skinparam linetype polyline
Sequence diagrams
Preferred tool : PlantUML
Note: PlantUML can generate sequence diagrams using only the plantuml.jar
title Data flow
entity "Data Source" as DataSource
box "Integration" #lightblue
entity "fluent-bit" as fluentbit
entity "envoy" as envoy
end box
box "Monitoring"
entity "Prometheus" as Prometheus
entity "Grafana" as Grafana
end box
box "Splunk Platform" #lightblue
entity "Splunk\nHeavy Forwarder" as HF
database "Splunk Index" as IDX
entity "Splunk SHC" as SHC
end box
actor "User" as User
== Events ==
DataSource -> fluentbit
fluentbit -> envoy : HTTP-Proxy/HEC
envoy -> HF : HTTP/HEC
HF -> IDX : TCP/Splunk forward
== Metrics ==
envoy -> Prometheus : metrics
fluentbit -> Prometheus : Metrics over HTTP
== Reporting ==
Prometheus -> Grafana
Grafana -> User : HTTP
SHC -> User : HTTP
Timing diagrams
Preferred tool : PlantUML
robust "CPU0" as CPU0
robust "CPU1" as CPU1
concise "Task Progress" as TaskProgress
concise "Task Breakdown" as TaskBreakdown
TaskProgress is Idle
TaskBreakdown is None
CPU1 is Idle
CPU0 is Idle
TaskProgress is Running
TaskBreakdown is Serial
CPU0 is PreparingTask
CPU1 is Idle : Idle
CPU0@100 <-> @200 : 100 ms
TaskBreakdown is Parallel
CPU0 is NumberCrunching
CPU0 -> CPU1 : Distribute task
CPU1 is NumberCrunching
TaskProgress is Idle
TaskBreakdown is None
CPU1 -> CPU0 : Complete task
CPU0 is Idle
CPU1 is Idle
CPU0 is Idle
CPU1 is Idle
Graph visualization
Preferred tool : Graphviz
~$ neato src/ -Tpng -o out/graph-cohesion.png
digraph G {
{node [label="Developer" style=filled color=skyblue] d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 }
d1 -> d2 [len=2];
d1 -> d3 [len=2];
d1 -> d4 [len=2];
d1 -> d5 [len=2];
d2 -> d1 [len=2];
d2 -> d3 [len=2];
d2 -> d4 [len=2];
d2 -> d5 [len=2];
d3 -> d1 [len=2];
d3 -> d2 [len=2];
d3 -> d4 [len=2];
d3 -> d5 [len=2];
d4 -> d1 [len=2];
d4 -> d2 [len=2];
d4 -> d3 [len=2];
d4 -> d5 [len=2];
d5 -> d1 [len=2];
d5 -> d2 [len=2];
d5 -> d3 [len=2];
d5 -> d4 [len=2];
Flow charts
Preferred tool : PlantUML
scale 4
:Perform task;
note right
E.g. Manually resize a volume
end note
if (OK?) then
-[#blue]-> p=**0.97**;
:Task complete;
-[#blue]-> Info;
#Lightblue:Success1 = 0.97;
-[#red]-> p=**0.03**;
:Emergency with plan;
note right: Follow rollback procedure
if (Recover?) then
-[#green]-> p=**0.90**;
#Lightgreen:Abort1 = (0.03 * 0.90);
-[#red]-> p=**0.10**;
:Emergency without plan;
if (Recover?) then
-[#green]-> p=**0.70**;
#Lightgreen: Abort2 = (0.03 * 0.10 * 0.70);
-[#red]-> p=**0.30**;
#Pink: Failure1 = (0.03 * 0.10 * 0.30);
Preferred tool : gnuplot
~$ gnuplot src/plot-usl-001.gnuplot
set terminal pngcairo size 1000,800 enhanced font 'Verdana,14'
set output 'out/plot-usl-001.png'
set border linewidth 1.5
set title "Scalability - Full USL"
set ylabel 'Work'
set xlabel 'Scale'
# Axes
set style line 11 lc rgb '#808080' lt 1
set border 3 back ls 11
set tics nomirror out scale 0.75
# Grid
set style line 12 lc rgb'#808080' lt 0 lw 1
set grid back ls 12
set style fill noborder
set style function filledcurves y1=0
set clip two
n = 1
s = 0.1 # serialization
k = 0.01 # crosstalk
USL(x, s, k) = (x * n) / (1 + s * (x - 1) + k*(x*(x-1)) )
f1(x) = USL(x, 0, 0)
f2(x) = USL(x, s, 0)
f3(x) = USL(x, s, k)
f4(x) = USL(x, 0, k)
set yrange [1:10]
set xrange [1:40]
unset colorbox
set key opaque
set key title "(xn) / (1 + s(x-1) + k(x(x-1)) )"
set key top right Left reverse samplen 1
set label "Linear scalability" at 10,9.2 front
set arrow from 7,6 to 10,9
set label "Serialization constrained" at 25, 5.5 front textcolor rgbcolor "#ffffff"
set label "Coordination constrained" at 6, 4 front textcolor rgbcolor "#ffffff"
set label "Serialization and coordination constrained" at 8, 2 front textcolor rgbcolor "#ffffff"
set lmargin 6
plot f1(x) fs transparent solid 0.30 lc rgb "light-green" title 'n=1 s=0 k=0', \
f2(x) fs transparent solid 0.50 lc rgb "blue" title 'n=1 s=0.1 k=0', \
f4(x) fs transparent solid 0.50 lc rgb "light-red" title 'n=1 s=0 k=0.01', \
f3(x) fs transparent solid 0.70 lc rgb "red" title 'n=1 s=0.1 k=0.01'
Preferred tool : pandoc
pandoc src/ \
--mathml \
-t beamer \
--highlight-style espresso \
-o out/presentation.pdf
Preferred tool : pandoc
pandoc src/ \
-V geometry:margin=1in \
--latex-engine=pdflatex \
--mathml \
--highlight-style espresso \
-o out/report.pdf