Intel/AMD virtualization isolation and containment

Notes This is the second part of a series. Read Part 1 - Process Isolation and Containment Unless mentioned otherwise I will be referring to Intel and Linux architecture Virtual hardware The key capability that enables cloud computing is the ability to separate computational activity from physical devices. This is generally referred to as virtualization. The Popek and Goldberg Virtualization requirements are captured at a high level by, Virtualization constructs isomorphism from guest to host, by implementing functions V() and E() All guest state S is mapped onto host state S’ through a function V(S) For every state change operation E(S) in the guest is a corresponding state change E’(S’) in the host In our case we are looking for a host Intel x86 system S' to securely and efficiently have the state of a guest Intel x86 system S mapped to it.

Intel/Linux process isolation and containment

The Linux process model We’ll take a traditional multi-user Linux environment as a starting point. In this scenario, the provider runs the hardware, the operating system and supporting system functions. It turns out that on Linux processes cannot actually do much beyond compute operations on data in their own memory space. In order to do anything outside of that a process has to request that the kernel perform an operation on its behalf.